Other Information:William was from Douglas, Isle of Man. He was awarded the Military Medal - Authority 15th Division Order on 19th August 1918. A citation is recorded in the 46th Field Ambulance War Diary, which reads ‘This man formed one of a squad at the aid post LA RAPERIE during the attack on 1.8.18. At 6pm during daylight he helped to bring down to the car point, on wheeled stretchers, four wounded men, passing over country exposed to heavy artillery and machine gun fire, these being the first cases brought down from that aid post during the day, as the conditions were thought too dangerous. Later in the evening when dark enabled cases to be got away, he showed great bravery and devotion in helping to get stretcher cases from the aid post into the roadside near LA RAPERIE, where they were pulled up by cars, the country traversed by him, being very exposed and subject to artillery and machine gun fire.’ William was awarded the Military Medal in a presentation parade on 9th September 1918, by GOC 1 Corps.