Other Information:Henry entered the war in France on 27th September 1915. He was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal "For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He showed the utmost fearlessness and untiring energy in supervising the collection of wounded from various parts of the battlefield, doing magnificent work under heavy fire of every description. He refused to be relieved until all the wounded had been brought in." Henry was awarded the DCM Bar "For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He successfully led eight squads of stretcher bearers to our front line under hostile fire so intense that it was necessary several times to get the men under cover on the way up. Having arrived there he arranged the evacuation of the wounded under continuous shell fire. He was eventually wounded himself whilst attending to the wounded. On many occasions he has displayed similar gallantry in leading stretcher squads under heavy fire, and on one occasion, although off duty, rushed to the help of a stretcher squad which had been knocked out by heavy enemy barrage, and saved the life of a man by the promptness and skill in which he attended to him under heavy fire.